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What our clients say about us

The coaching program allowed me to introspect and to develop soft skills I wanted to have in order to become a better manager.
Hillel Cohen, Senior Product Designer
It's like having a wise friend or a psychologist there to help you cope with the challenges of the role. Thanks to working with Ori, I was promoted to the position of Vice President of Products in the company
Ori Bendet, VP Product
The integration of mental work with emotional tools created a significant effect on me. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to take their life to the next level. Thank you, Ori, much appreciated.
Yan Gabriel, Business Coach
Ori knew how to excellently connect personal coaching with business coaching, a connection that was very relevant to my unique situation.
Nora Coleman, Innovation Consultant
Ori helped me stay focused on the goals I wanted to achieve. Working hard paid off; I was promoted by title, by team size, and by my areas of responsibility.
Dror Yona, Senior Product Manager
Ori has a remarkable capability to identify my most significant issues and he helped me view things from an entirely new angle. He guided me through the process until I achieved my objectives.
Michael Shaw, Sales Director
Making a change is like climbing a mountain. Ori brings a backpack full of tools to help you climb. He shows you it's possible. Your success matters to him and he will climb with you all the way to the top.
Or Sorek, Co-CEO
Ori knew how to excellently connect personal coaching with business coaching, a connection that was very relevant to my unique situation.
Mor Lifshitz, Senior Product Manager
Ori combines intelligence, experience, and wisdom of life with love for people, empathy, and a sense of humor. He has a genuine passion of helping people.
May Keid, VP Product
Coaching with Ori was a great and amazing journey to empower myself, to enhance my communication skills, and to making a personal growth plan.
Thomas Jenensch, Product Portfolio Lead
Ori pinpointed my main issues and guided me towards solutions. Working with him fundamentally shifted how I view and think about my work. I'll always be thankful to him for this transformation.
Adi Meidan, UX Designer
Ori won't make the decisions for you. He will rather guide you through all the important milestones, providing tools, practical advice, and insights that will remain with you well beyond the end of the coaching sessions.
Alon Shor, Director of Product
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